Riding a VT1-e-14s in Indianapolis, USA.

HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT VELOMTEK? I found about Velomtek online after reading about Velomobiles made in Europe.   HOW DO YOU USE YOUR VT1? I wanted a Velomobile that combined pedal power with electric power.  I use the electric mode when I need to get through...


How did you find out about Velomtek? I found you on YouTube giving a run  through of the VT1 Velo. I was looking for a Velo but wanted one made in Canada and there you where! I also saw your interview on the “Bent Bike Channel”!   How do you use your velomobile?...


I had the chance to meet Velomtek in August 2019, when the VT1 project was slowly taking shape. But it was in 1976 that I got hooked on velomobiles. I still remember it, I had read about it in the Book of the Year 1976. The article was about this new...