Hello all

After the manufacturing and testing of the P000, the manufacturing of the P001 began. It was completed on November 12 when the customer took possession. The P001 (VT1-e-14s) is painted with a special color and is fully equipped including the full visor as shown.


Road tests at final inspection.


A new explanatory video showing the VT1 in the workshop and in action is at postproduction phase and will be released shortly on the website. In the meantime, here are a few video extracts.


The next steps

Finish manufacturing of the P002 early in December.

Continue the road tests with the P000.

Publish the videos.

Complete the VT1 user manual.

Upgrade the design and process documentation.

Continue the production of the P003 with the manufacturing of the composite parts.


Order now your VT1 for Spring 2023!


See you soon!

Velomtek team.


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